Saturday, October 31, 2009


Phase Two of paperwork begins! We got our packet in the mail and should be hearing from our social worker any day now. Letters of recommendation need to be written stating we aren't ding-dongs. Lots of birth and marriage certificates to be ordered. Doctors appointments to be made. Criminal background checks. Then we have to file an I-600 report which looks time-consuming but fairly straightforward. Holy cow! This is starting to feel real! We're told that this paperwork is nothing compared to the dossier that awaits us, but it's good practice and keeps us busy.

Tonight is a very blustery and delightfully warm Halloween night, and we had many cutie-pies come to our door. I'm a big believer in saying "Trick or Treat!" to get the candy, so when I asked one little girl who was eying the candy bowl, "What do you say on Halloween night?" she looked up quizzically and said, "Please?" Too cute.

Ryan and I both wondered aloud in what Halloween year we'll be taking our own kids... 2011? 2012? As exciting as this all is, it seems so astoundingly far away sometimes. But, on the other hand, it will be a good incentive to finally paint the rooms inside the house. We've been lagging a bit on that front and concentrating more on the yard since moving in last year. It's time to get these tan walls spiced up.

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