Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long time, no write

Long absence from the Flemin's! Sorry for the silence! We've been in the midst of our homestudy, painting our front room a VERY cool tomato red that we love, student-parent conferences at school, tutoring, Christmas revelry, blah-blah, you name it. Oh--and working. People still expect us to go to work, if you can believe it. It's been a very busy last month.

Homestudy is going very well...We did our initial homestudy meeting with our social worker together last month in Waltham. Then each of us met with her separately early in both late Nov/early Dec. The hardest part of those meetings was helping somebody to understand our very complex family trees. (Ryan's took a little longer...who'd a thought I'd find someone with an equally interesting and beautifully misshapen tree?) We have our next meeting on Dec 31 in the afternoon.

We also are beginning our "schoolwork" for our homestudy. We're signed up for a class at Wide Horizons for next month, and we have to take a bunch of online courses on both adoptive parenting and international adoption.

Our paperwork is coming nicely. We're getting some papers notarized tomorrow afternoon. Once all our paperwork is in, the social worker can begin constructing a report. Should be a very bizarre read! (How many times in one's life does somebody write your biography for you?)

We've decided to ask for twins/two siblings (we'll see which set fate passes our way)! Very exciting times!

Sorry this blog is a bit dull, but my mind is multitasking to its limit and all creativity seems to have fallen by the wayside! :)

Happy December!



Kelly said...

I remember the very surreal reading of our home study report. It was almost like an out-of-body experience; I kept thinking, Oh, this is about us! :)

Congrats on your decision to adopt siblings! How exciting. Good luck as things keep moving forward.

Amy said...

Good luck Katrina! I remember oh so very well! I have a very complex family tree too, but luckily, Doug's is pretty straight-forward. And reading the homestudy report was definitely a trip. Please keep in touch! I look forward to following your journey!